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Doc Tom Awardees Announced at SPM2018 Conference

Society for Participatory Medicine

His spirt and work led to the creation of the Society , though his peers & followers, ePatient Scholars. The e-Patient Principles award focused on principles espoused by Tom: Advocacy for Patient Self-Care and Clinician-Patient Partnership. . Many impressive names were nominated for both awards by SPM members.

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An Easy Way we can Help Encourage Healthcare Conferences to Include Patients & Advocates

Society for Participatory Medicine

I have attended hundreds of conferences: patient experience, patient education, health tech, health literacy, shared decision making — and the best part has always been meeting other advocates, patients, and family caregivers. I think again of ePatient Dave’s refrain: “Let Patients Help!”. P < 001).

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AI: Patients Included

Health Populi

Cordovano partnered with “ePatient” Dave DeBronkart to create and promote a hashtag, #PatientsUseAI , as a social media rallying call-to-action for AI: Patients Included.

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